Securities Repurchase Transactions

Zurich Equity Group has pioneered a securities repurchase mechanism that virtually eliminates the securities owner's risks of not being able to recover the transaction's underlying stock on the designated repurchase date. We accomplish this through our dedicated relationships with top-100 international securities custodians that administer holding accounts for the securities owner's benefit. These accounts serve the goals of establishing complete transparency in the repurchase transaction and providing assurances that the underlying securities will be available to be transferred back to the original owner’s trading account upon repayment of the repurchase premium.

Unlike most non-recourse collateralized stock loans, upon origination, the securities owner transfers full legal and equitable title to the securities in a repurchase transaction. The owner then receives cash at an agreed-upon per share price, which the owner may then use for all purposes without restriction. The transaction documents and agreement specify the per-share price and date on which the owner may then exercise a repurchase option by paying the complete amount as designated, plus any applicable fees and charges. The securities are then transferred back to the owner in a delivery-versus payment protocol.      



  • Europaallee 41, 8004 Zürich Switzerland
  • +41 43 550 73 93